29th International QUENCH-Workshop

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The 29th International QUENCH Workshop will be held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany), Campus North, from 19 to 21 November 2024.

You are invited to contribute with presentations on the thermohydraulic and material behavior of fuel elements during LOCA and the early phase of severe accidents. Special sessions are planned on the high-temperature behavior of ATF cladding materials and the hydrogen/hydride behavior in spent fuel cladding during long-term interim storage, which are the focus of our current research at KIT. Please use the registration form on our website to register and submit your contribution (title and time including discussion) to the workshop, and additionally send an abstract  of your presentation to martin.steinbrueck∂kit.edu by the date indicated below.

A contingent of rooms has been reserved at hotel Kübler in Karlsruhe. Bus transportation will be organized during the meeting. Please book your accommodation yourself using the keyword "QUENCH" as soon as possible, but at the latest until the dates given below; all relevant information can be found at the accommodation page.

Please meet the following deadlines:

Hotel Reservation: 25 October 2024
Registration and abstract submission: 01 November 2024
