QUENCH Programme

Agenda 2009


15th International QUENCH Workshop*

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus North (former FZK), November 3-5, 2009

Meeting Location: Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU), Auditorium (Aula)

Tuesday, 3.11.

8:10/20            Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler)

8:45                 Registration

9:00                 Welcome                                                                   Prof. D. Löhe,KIT Board


QUENCH PROGRAM AT KIT (Chairmen: L. Sepold, M. Steinbrück)

9:20     Lessons learned from the QUENCH Program                                M. Steinbrück, KIT

9:50     Update of the QUENCH Program                                                   M. Steinbrück, KIT

10:10   Experimental Results of Reflood Bundle

Test QUENCH-15 with ZIRLO™ Cladding Tubes                           J. Stuckert, KIT

10:30   Coffee break

11:00   The New QUENCH-LOCA Tests                                                     L. Sepold, KIT

11:30   Mechanical Tests on Claddings in the framework of the

QUENCH-LOCA Program                                                               M. Walter, KIT

11:50   Announcement: LACOMECO Project at KIT                                  A. Miassoedov, KIT

12:10   Lunch



13:10   Short overview on the PARAMETER program at LUCH                A. Kiselev, IBRAE

13:30   Comparison results of pretest PARAMETER-SF4

numerical modeling                                                                          T. Yudina, IBRAE

14:00   Post-test examination of the PARAMETER-SF4 fuel

Assembly                                                                                          D. Ignatiev, LUCH

14:20   Main results of RELAP/SCDAPSIM calculation analysis

of PARAMETER-SF experiments                                       V. Shchekoldin,Gidropress

14:40   Validation of MAAP407 code based on PARAMETER

Experiments                                                                                     B. Maliverney, EDF

15:00   Coffee break

15:30   Meeting of PARAMETER ISTC collaborators                                 A. Kiselev, IBRAE

Discussion in small groups as needed

17:00   Bus transfer to the hotels


Wednesday, 4.11.

8:20/8:30         Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler)


CODE APPLICATION (Chairman: T. Haste)

9:00     Recent improvements in RELAP/SCDAPSIM Resulting

from QUENCH and PARAMETER ExperimentalPrograms                      C. Allison, ISS

9:20     Simulation of the Fuel Rod Bundle Test QUENCH-03 By

Using the Integral Code ASTEC V2                                                 P. Kruse, RUB

9:40     Benchmark MELCOR - QUENCH-06                                 M. Herman, Tractebel

10:00   Analysis of B4C QUENCH Experiments with MELCOR                B. Jäckel, PSI

10:30   Coffee break

11:00   Post-Test Calculation of QUENCH-15 with ATHLET-CD               C. Bals, GRS

11:20   Preliminary analyses of QUENCH-ACM experiments

using SCDAP/RELAP5                                                                    J. Birchley, PSI

11:50   Progress in VVER-1000 Quenching Scenario Simulation

with MELCOR 1.8.6 Code in Comparison with MELCOR

1.8.3 Simulation                                                                                J. Duspiva, NRI

12:20   Revisiting the QUENCH-11 Test With A New Thermal-Hydraulic

Model: Existence of a Minimum Injection Rate For Reflooding      N. Chikhi, IRSN

12:40   Lunch

13:45               Bus to Nothweiler (Palatine Forest)

Guided Tour to Ore Mine and Invited Reception

ca. 22:00         Arrival at Karlsruhe (Hotels and KIT)


Thursday, 5.11.

8:20/8:30         Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler)


EXPERIMENTS (Chairman: M. Veshchunov)

9:00     Recent results of KIT separate-effects tests on cladding

oxidation and AgInCd control rod failure                                          M. Steinbrück, KIT

9:30     Nitriding behaviour of nickel basis alloys at temperatures

of 1000°C and above                                                                       M. Sporn, KIT

9:50     Steam Oxidation Experiments for Study of Breakaway

Phenomena on Zirconium Surface                                                  T. Novotny, AEKI

10:10   Results of cladding hydrogenation in tube furnace at

temperatures between 500 and 1100 °C                                         J. Stuckert, KIT

10:30   Coffee break


11:00   In-situ neutron radiography investigations of the hydrogen

uptake of cladding materials during steamoxidation                                    M. Große, KIT

11:35   Recent Studies on the Mechanism of Zr Oxidation                         S. Abolhassani, PSI

12:00   New experimental data in the Ag-In-Cd thermodynamic system    M. Barrachin, IRSN

12:20   Further results on high temperature liquified zircaloy cladding

interaction with irradiated fuels                                                         D. Bottomley, ITU

12:40   Lunch

13:40   Coolability of Ballooned VVER Bundles with Pellet Relocation       I. Nagy, AEKI


MODELING (Chairman: J. Birchley)

14:00   Modelling of the Nitrogen Impact during Air-Ingress                        T. Hollands, RUB

14:20   Modelling of U-Zr-O corium/ vessel steel interactions

(ISTC Project #3876)                                                            M. Veshchunov, IBRAE


Closure of the Workshop

15:30   Bus transfer to the hotels and Karlsruhe train station









* Supported by Alliance for Competence in Nuclear Technology Germany

and EC Network of Excellence on Severe Accident Research SARNET-2


M. Steinbrück                                                                                                                                                 29.10.09