13th International QUENCH Workshop*
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, November 20-22, 2007
Meeting Location: Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU), Auditorium (Aula)
Tuesday, 20.11. |
8:10/20 |
Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler) |
8:40 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Welcome |
W. Tromm, FZK |
9:20 |
Reflooding of a severely damaged core: modelling and experimental needs |
F. Fichot, IRSN |
QUENCH PROGRAM AT FZK (Chairmen: L. Sepold, M. Steinbrück) |
9:50 |
Status of the QUENCH Program |
M. Steinbrück, FZK |
10:10 |
The QUENCH-ACM Test Series |
L. Sepold, FZK |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Post-test examination of the WWER bundle QU-12 |
G. Schanz, FZK |
11:30 |
Results of the QUENCH-12 bundle post-test examinations |
A. Leshchenko, RIAR |
11:50 |
Analysis of hydrogen distribution in QU-12 Corner Rods |
M. Große, FZK |
12:20 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
PSI Pre-test Analytical Support for QUENCH-13 |
J. Birchley, PSI |
14:00 |
First Results of the QUENCH-13 Bundle Experiment with a Silver-Indium-Cadmium Control Rod |
J. Stuckert, FZK |
PARAMETER PROGRAM AT LUCH (Chairman: A. Kisselev) |
14:30 |
Computational assessment of the PARAMETER-SF tests |
T. Yudina, IBRAE |
15:00 |
Coffee break |
15:30 |
Pre- and post-test calculations with the PARAM-TG code for justification of a bundle tests under DBA and BDBA conditions at the PARAMETER facility |
N. Parshin, LUCH |
16:00 |
Post-test examination of the PARAMETER-SF2 fuel assembly |
D. Ignatiev, LUCH |
16:30 |
Related thermal-mechanical processes in WWER core during LOCA |
E. Frizen, Gidropress |
17:00 |
Bus transfer to the hotels |
Wednesday, 21.11. |
8:20/8:30 |
Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler) |
9:00 |
Preliminary Results of QUENCH-10 Calculations Using ATHLET-CD |
T. Hollands, RUB |
9:20 |
Results of the SARNET Benchmark on QUENCH-11 |
A. Stefanova, INRNE |
9:50 |
Impact of MELCOR Validation on Quench Tests to Code Development |
J. Duspiva, NRI |
10:15 |
Coffee break |
10:45 |
Application of the SVECHA/QUENCH code to the simulation of the QUENCH bundle tests Q-06 and Q-12 |
A. Palagin, FZK |
11:10 |
QUENCH-12 versus QUENCH-06 Comparative Calculation Analysis Using SOCRAT 1.1 Code |
A. Vasiliev, IBRAE |
11:30 |
Analysis and Modelling of the Results of RIAR Quenching Tests with Irradiated VVER Fuel Rod Simulators |
A. Boldyrev, IBRAE |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 |
Recent improvements in RELAP/SCDAPSIM |
C. Allison, ISS |
13:20 |
Main Results of the ISTC Project #2936 "Reactor Core Melting" |
M. Veshchunov, IBRAE |
14:00 |
Time for discussions |
15:00 |
Bus to Karlsruhe, Guided Tour in ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe) and Reception by FZK |
ca. 21:00 |
Departure from Guest House |
Thursday, 22.11. |
8:20/8:30 |
Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler) |
EXPERIMENTS (Chairman: L. Belovsky) |
9:00 |
Comparison of oxidation kinetics of Zry-4, Duplex-D4, M5 and E100 in oxygen at temperatures 600-1600 °C |
M. Steinbrück, FZK |
9:30 |
Tin Redistribution during Steam Oxidation of Zry-4 |
M. Große, FZK |
10:00 |
Results of VVER-1000 Fuel Rod Simulator Tests under Core Reflood Conditions |
I. Kuzmin, RIAR |
10:20 |
Coffee break |
10:50 |
Results of the CODEX-CT2 Experiment |
I. Nagy, AEKI |
11:10 |
Single rod experiments on failure of SIC control rods |
M. Steinbrück, FZK |
11:30 |
A New Furnace for Prototypic Fuel Pellet Experiments at 3000 K in the PLINIUS Platform |
P. Piluso, CEA |
11:50 |
Update on the Phébus FP project: Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) of the Lower Degraded Bundle of the FPT2 Test |
D. Bottomley, ITU |
12:10 |
Closure of the Workshop |
12:15 |
Lunch |
13:00 |
Bus transfer to the hotels and Karlsruhe train station |
Subsequent to the QUENCH Workshop the following OECD meeting takes place: |
OECD benchmark exercise on an accident sequence in TMI-2 reactor |
Time: |
13:00 – 17:00 h |
Place: |
Room 160 in the same building (FZK-FTU) |
Contact persons: |
F. Fichot (florian fichot ∂does-not-exist.irsn fr), Han-Chul Kim (Han-Chul KIM ∂does-not-exist.oecd org) |