26th International QUENCH Workshop

6 - 10 December 2021
Virtual event via MS Teams organized by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Due to the uncertain pandemic situation, we decided to hold the QUENCH workshop virtually this year. Unfortunately, this also means foregoing the excursion, dinner and pretzels… Anyway, we hope to fill the week with interesting presentations and discussions, and to meet you in person next year.
We plan a five-day meeting at three hours each, starting at 1 pm German time (Washington 7 am, Tokyo 8 pm). Most probably, the MS Teams platform will be used.
Registration is now possible at our web site. You are invited to submit abstracts (max. 300 words) on the thermohydraulic and material behavior of fuel elements during LOCA and the early phase of severe accidents. The focus of our current research at KIT is on the high-temperature behavior of ATF cladding materials and the hydrogen/hydride behavior in spent fuel cladding during long-term intermediate storage. Contribution on these topics are therefore particularly welcome.
Due to the limited time available, 20 minutes per presentation (including discussion) are planned; exceptions are possible.