Agenda 25th International QUENCH Workshop
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus North, H.-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Egg.-Leopoldshafen, Germany
22-24 October 2019
Meeting Location: Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU), Auditorium (Aula)
Tuesday, 22 Oct 2019
8:00 Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler)
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome W. Tromm/M. Steinbrück, KIT
International Programs (Chair: M. Steinbrück, KIT)
9:20 Main results of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project on Analysis of Options and Experimental Examination of Fuels
for Water Cooled Reactors with Increased Accident Tolerance (ACTOF) M.S. Veshchunov, IAEA
9:50 Progress in the OECD TCOFF project in support of Fukushima Decommissioning D. Bottomley, JAEA
10:10 Coffee break (Group Photo)
QUENCH Program: Recent results (Chair: M. Veshchunov)
10:40 Update of the QUENCH program M. Steinbrück, KIT
11:00 First results of the QUENCH-20 experiment with BWR test bundle J. Stuckert, KIT
25 Years QUENCH Program (Chair: T. Haste, Imperial College)
11:20 25 years QUENCH-Program: Highlights of separate-effects tests M. Steinbrück, KIT
12:05 Main results of the QUENCH bundle tests J. Stuckert, KIT
12:50 Lunch
13:50 Investigations of Hydrogen in Cladding Materials by means of Neutron Imaging M. Grosse, KIT
14:30 Impact of QUENCH Experiments for ISP, Benchmarks and Code Validation T. Hollands, GRS
15:10 Coffee break
Modelling and code application I (Chair: C. Allison, ISS)
15:40 Simulation of Quench-17 with ATHLET-CD C. D'Alessandro, GRS
16:00 Comparative analysis of simulations of the air ingress experiments QUENCH-16 and
QUENCH-18 using AC² - ATHLET-CD F. Krist, RUB
16:20 Post-test modelling of the experiment QUENCH-19 with ATF-cladding FeCrAl using SOCRAT code A. Vasiliev, IBRAE
16:40 Simulation of recent QUENCH experiments with AC2 L. Tiborcz, GRS
17:10 Bus transfer to the hotels
17:15 QUESA meeting (Chair: T. Hollands, GRS; for partners only)
Wednesday, 23 Oct 2019
8:00 Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler)
Modelling and code application II (Chair: T. Hollands, GRS)
8:40 Pre-test analysis of the QUENCH-20 BWR test with ASTEC S. Wang, KIT
9:00 Preliminary Assessment of the new ASYST - ISA Integral Analysis Code Using Selected Integral Thermal Hydraulic -
Fuel Assembly Experiments C. Allison, ISS
9:20 MELCOR Analysis of Separate Effect Test’s with PSI-KIT Nitriding Model B. Jäckel, PSI
9:50 Evaluation of the process in the BWR and VVER spent fuel pools during severe accident conditions T. Kaliatka, LEI
10:10 Numerical modelling of in-vessel melt-retention: The LIVE experiments A. Joshi, Imp. College
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Preliminary results for simulations of the DEBRIS test facility conducted with the Severe Accident
Analysis Code ASTEC V2.1 J.M. Peschel, RUB
11:20 Anticipated Benefit of CrAl_Coated_Zr Cladding under Beyond Design Basis Accidents T.-H. Chun, KAERI
ATF cladding (Chair: M. Grosse, KIT)
11:40 LOCA burst test of FeCrAl-ODS fuel cladding K. Sakamoto, NFD
12:00 Multi- elemental coatings on Zirconium alloy – INCT oxidation experiments B. Sartowska, INCT
12:20 Testing of Cr Cold Spray-coated Cladding with Enhanced Accidental Tolerance M. Sevecek, CTU
12:40 Lunch
13:40 Coated cladding behaviour during high-temperature transients A. Chalupová, CTU
14:00 Chromium coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering for accident tolerant nuclear fuel cladding D. Sidelev, TPU
14:20 High-Temperature Oxidation of Chromium-Coated Optimized ZIRLO™ in air and steam G. Bourdon, CVUT
14:45 Bus to Annweiler, Trifels castle, and invited dinner
ca. 22:00 Arrival at KIT and in hotels
Thursday, 24 Oct 2019
8:00 Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler)
ATF cladding cont. (Chair: M. Sevecek, CTU)
8:40 Behavior upon high temperature under steam environment of outer Cr (or inner DLIMO CVD CrCx) coated Zr based
nuclear fuel claddings J.-C. Brachet, CEA
9:10 Oxidation and quenching behavior of cold spray Cr-coated Zr alloy fuel cladding C. Tang, KIT
9:30 Results of corrosion and thermomechanical tests of ATF-cladding samples A. Mokrushin, LUCH
Experiments I (Chair: J. Stuckert, KIT)
9:50 High temperature oxidation of cladding material in SFP-LOCA conditions examined with 18O tracer techniques
and Raman imaging C. Duriez, IRSN
10:10 The oxidation behavior of Zr-1%Nb cladding alloy in air-steam mixtures J. Krejci, UJP
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Effect of β-phase composition (heat treatment) and morphology (surface machining) on high temperature and
pressure oxidation behaviour of Zr-2.5Nb S.K. Nouduru, BARC
11:20 Towards and Improved Understanding of the Causes of Increased Hydrogen Uptake of Zr based Claddings
at High Burnups S. Abolhassani, PSI
11:50 Steam oxidation of hafnium at high temperature S. Guilbert-Banti, IRSN
12:10 The CODEX-NITRO experiment R. Farkas, MTA
12:30 Lunch
Experiments II (Chair: C. Duriez, IRSN)
13:30 Experimental investigation of the Ag-In-Cd system M. Barrachin, IRSN
13:50 Physicochemical interaction between U-Zr-O melt and Fe-based structure during core degradation A. Ito, Tokyo IT
14:10 Difference in oxidation behavior of heterogeneous BWR fuel assembly under steam-starved condition Y. Nagae, JAEA
14:30 Post-test analysis of the CMMR-4 test bundle H. Madokoro, JAEA
14:50 Status and results of the CLADS-MADE-02 BWR control blade degradation test under steam-rich conditions
related to 1F Unit 3 accident A. Pshenichnikov, JAEA-CLADS
15:30 Closure of the Workshop M. Steinbrück, KIT
16:00 Bus for train station and Hotels