QUENCH Programme

Agenda 1997

3th International QUENCH Workshop

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe December 2-4, 1997



Meeting Location:

Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU)


QUENCH Workshop: Room 236 (First floor)


Tuesday, December 2, 1997

EXPERIMENTS (Chairman: P. Hofmann)

9.00 h

Welcome and introduction

G. Heusener, FZK

9.10 h

CEC position on the QUENCH Program

A. Zurita, CEC

9.20 h

Essential results of the terminated CORA Program

S. Hagen, FZK

9.50 h

Experiments on the quench behavior of LWR fuel rod segments

P. Hofmann, FZK

10.10 h

Determination of the crack pattern of quenched Zircaloy cladding tubes

L. Steinbock, FZK

10.30 h

Oxidation and quenching experiments on high-burnup fuel cladding under simulated LOCA conditions

R. Cauvin, CEA

10.50 h



11.10 h

Investigations on H2 absorption of Zircaloy-4 at high temperatures

M. Steinbrück, FZK

11.40 h

Kinetics of H2 absorption in Zr 1% Nb alloy

L. Matus, KFKI

12.00 h

Investigations of H2 uptake by Zr alloys under accident conditions in CANDU reactors

A.J. White, AECL

12.30 h



QUENCH FACILITY (Chairman: P. Hofmann)

13.10 h

UK design and scaling studies for the QUENCH Facility

R. Hiles, AEAT

13.40 h

Analytical activities for test preparation

Ch. Homann, FZK

14.05 h

Results of thermocouple pre-tests in argon atmosphere

L. Sepold, FZK

14.25 h

Assembly and putting into operation of the QUENCH Facility; Conduct of the commissioning tests

L. Schmid, FZK

14.50 h



15.10 h

Evaluation of the test data of the commissioning tests in the QUENCH Facility

L. Sepold; FZK

15.30 h

H2 measurements during the commissioning tests

M. Steinbrück, FZK

15.50 h

H2 mixing and transport test in the QUENCH Facility

A. Miassoedov, FZK

16.10 h

Commissioning tests; comparison between calculations and experimental results

Ch. Homann, FZK

16.30 h

Post-test appearance of the commissioning test bundle

L. Sepold, FZK

16.50 h

VVER-440 type 7-rod bundle quench test

L. Maróti, KFKI

17.10 h

VVER-440 fuel rod behavior under LOCA conditions

A. Goryachev, RIAR

Wednesday, December 3, 1997


10.00 h

SVECHA/QUENCH code modeling of H2 absorption by Zr cladding during oxidation in steam

M. Veshchunov, IBRAE

10.40 h

Mechanistic model to evaluate H2 generation during quenching

F. Oriolo, Pisa

11.00 h



11.20 h

Modeling of heat and H2 production from Zircaloy oxidation in CANDU fuel channel experiments under accident conditions

D.B. Sanderson, AECL

11.50 h

SVECHA/QUENCH code modeling of cladding mechanical deformation and crack formation during quenching

A. Boldyrev, IBRAE

12.20 h

Oxidation stresses and creep in Zircaloy tubes at high temperatures

H. Steiner, FZK

12.40 h



CODE SYSTEMS (Chairman: W. Hering)

13.30 h

SVECHA/QUENCH code verification against FZK single rod quench tests

A. Palagin, IBRAE

14.10 h

KESS calculations for the small-scale and bundle quench experiments

K. Müller, IKE

14.30 h

Assessment of the improved RELAP 5/mod3 transition boiling model using various reflood experiments

V. Sanchez Espinoza, FZK

14.50 h

EPR reflood calculations using the improved transition boiling model

W. Hering, FZK

15.10 h



15.30 h

Modeling of reflooding thermohydraulics for BWR recriticality analysis

J. Miettinen, VTT

16.00 h

The effect of oxide behavior on the calculated H2 generation for CORA-13 and PHEBUS FPTO experiments

Y. Chen, USNRC

16.20 h

Application of ACQ method to analysis of Zr oxidation and H2 generation processes in integral SFD tests

I. Zvonarev, RRC-KI

16.40 h

Comparisons between MAAP, MELCOR and SCDAP/RELAP5 during reflood

C. Allison, ISS

17.10 h

Individual discussions


Thursday, December 4, 1997

OTHER TOPICS (Chairman: I. Shepherd)

9.00 h

Preliminary PIE results of the lower corium pool of the PHEBUS FPT1 test bundle

D. Bottomley, ITU

9.20 h

Recent Canadian studies of high temperature UO2 and ZrO2 dissolution in molten cladding

P. Hayward, AECL

9.50 h

Modeling of UO2 and ZrO2 dissolution processes

M. Veshchunov, IBRAE

10.20 h

Canadian studies on UO2 oxidation

A. White, AECL

10.40 h



11.00 h

Air ingress calculations with MELCOR

R. Cole, Sandia

11.20 h

Status of knowledge and experimental results on Zircaloy/air high temperature reaction

G. Schanz, FZK

11.50 h

Calibration tests in the DRESSMAN Facility

R. Schneider, TUD

12.10 h

ICARE Calculation for air ingress tests in the CODEX and DRESSMAN Facilities

T. Haste, AEAT

12.30 h

French JERICHO calculations

B. Adroguer, CEA

12.40 h

General discussion; conclusions; next workshop


13.00 h



Following the closure of the QUENCH Workshop:

CEC PROGRESS MEETINGS (for partners of the project only)

14.00 h

Oxidation Phenomena in Severe Accidents (OPSA)

Third Progress Meeting (separate agenda distributed by I. Shepherd, JRC)

Friday, December 5, 1997

CEC PROGRESS MEETING (for partners of the project only)

9.00 h

Investigation of Core Degradation (COBE)

Fourth Progress Meeting (separate agenda distributed by I. Shepherd, JRC)

Before the QUENCH Workshop on December 1, 1997, a SR5CAP Meeting will take place at the same location as the workshop