Agenda 2011
17th International QUENCH Workshop* Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus North, November 22-24, 2011 Meeting Location:
Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU), Auditorium (Aula)
Tuesday, 22 Nov 2011 |
8:10/20 |
Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler) |
8:45 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Welcome |
M. Steinbrück, KIT J. Knebel, KIT CSO |
9:20 |
Invited Lecture: Thermodynamic modelling in nuclear related materials systems |
H.J. Seifert, KIT |
QUENCH PROGRAM (Chairman: M. Steinbrück) |
9:50 |
Update of the QUENCH program |
M. Steinbrück, KIT |
10:10 |
Mechanical behaviour of QUENCH-LOCA tested claddings |
M. Walter, KIT |
10:30 |
Coffee break (Group Photo) |
11:00 |
Investigation of mechanical and micro structure properties of the QUENCH-L0 claddings near to burst regions |
C. Rössger, KIT |
EC-LACOMECO PROGRAM (Chairman: A. Miassoedov) |
11:20 |
Objectives and status of LACOMECO project |
A. Miassoedov, KIT |
11:30 |
Experimental results of the QUENCH-16 bundle tests on air ingress, performed within the framework of the LACOMECO project |
J. Stuckert, KIT |
12:00 |
Analytical support to air ingress experiment QUENCH-16 |
L. Fernandez-Moguel, PSI |
12:30 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
Preliminary post-test calculations of QUENCH-16 experiment with the MAAP4 code |
E. Beuzet, EDF |
13:40 |
Simulation of air ingress experiment QUENCH-16 using ATHLET-CD |
M. Hoffmann, RUB |
14:00 |
Preliminary post-test calculation of test QUENCH-16 (LACOMECO) with ATHLET-CD |
C. Bals, GRS |
14:20 |
Preliminary calculation of air ingress test QUENCH16 with MELCOR computer code |
A. Stefanova, INRNE |
14:40 |
Coffee break |
15:00 |
Main results of the DISCO-FCI experiment |
G. Albrecht, KIT |
Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011 |
8:20/8:30 |
Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler) |
9:00 |
Air oxidation of Zircaloy: Phenomenology and modelling |
J. Birchley, PSI |
9:30 |
Impact of MELCOR debris oxidation model improvement to simulation of QUENCH-11 test |
J. Duspiva, NRI |
10:00 |
Modeling particulate debris during a severe accident: Recent advances and remaining uncertainties |
O. Coindreau, IRSN |
10:30 |
The TMI-2 severe accident: OECD-benchmark activities at KIT using ASTEC |
H. Muscher, KIT |
10:50 |
Coffee break |
11:10 |
Simulation of QUENCH-L0 with ATHLET-CD |
T. Hollands, GRS |
11:30 |
Modelling of QUENCH-ACM tests using MAAP4 |
B. Maliverny, EDF |
11:50 |
Assessment of the design of injection and depressurization system dedicated for severe accidents for VVER440 |
J. Balaz, VUJE |
12:20 |
Further development of SFPR code for analysis of fuel rod thermo-mechanical behaviour in Sodium Fast Reactor |
A. Boldyrev, IBRAE |
12:50 |
Lunch |
FUKUSHIMA (Chairman: C. Allison) |
13:40 |
Preliminary lessons from the assessment of core/vessel damage states - Fukushima Daiichi Units 1-3 |
C. Allison, ISS |
14:10 |
Evaluation of accident at Fukushima Daiichi NPS and research activities on fuel behavior under accident conditions |
F. Nagase, JAEA |
14:40 |
Research and development plan for characterization of damaged fuel debris in Fukushima Daiichi NPP |
T. Washiya, JAEA |
15:20 |
Bus to Bruchsal, Guided Tour through Castle and Museum of Mechanical Musical Instruments and Invited Reception |
ca. 20:30 |
Departure to KIT and Karlsruhe hotels |
Thursday, 24 Nov 2011 |
8:20/8:30 |
Pick-up at the hotels (Acora/Kübler) |
ZIRCONIUM OXIDATION (Chairman: J. Birchley) |
9:00 |
Invited lecture: Hydrogen-enhanced degradation and oxide effects in Zr alloys |
A. Zielinski, Gdansk Uni. |
9:25 |
Experimental parameters influencing the amount of hydrogen absorbed in zirconium alloys during steam oxidation |
M. Große, KIT |
9:50 |
Effect of stress concentration on hydrogen diffusion and ingress in Zircaloy - Experimental study using cold neutron |
S. Valance, PSI |
10:10 |
High temperature behaviour of E110G cladding |
E. Perez-Fero, AEKI |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
10:50 |
Oxidation model of E110 sponge base alloy in steam at high temperature |
P. Fedotov, JSC VNIINM |
11:10 |
Recent separate-effects tests on oxidation of Zr alloys at KIT |
M. Steinbrück, KIT |
OTHER EXPERIMENTS (Chairman: M. Große) |
11:40 |
Setup and benchmarking of a corrosion apparatus for investigating high temperature reactor fuel coating materials under accident conditions |
V. Avincola, ITU |
12:00 |
High temperature corrosion of nickel base alloys |
J. Herbst, KIT/HTW Aalen |
12:20 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
Status of the experimental program on debris reflooding (PEARL-PRELUDE) |
G. Repetto, IRSN |
13:50 |
Preliminary results of ISTC Project #3876 (THOMAS) on physico-chemical interactions of molten corium with vessel walls under oxidising conditions |
M. Veshchunov, IBRAE |
14:20 |
International scientific collaboration in the field of severe accident research: Examples from the ISTC-CEG-SAM projects |
D. Bottomley, ITU |
14:40 |
Closure of the Workshop |
M. Steinbrück, KIT |
15:00 |
Bus transfer to the hotels and Karlsruhe train station |