List of Participants
Family Name | First Name | Institution | Country | Presentation Title |
Abolhassani | Sousan | Paul Scherrer Institut | Switzerland | Recent Studies on the Mechanism of Zr Oxidation |
Bals | Christine | GRS Garching | Germany | |
Belovsky | Ladislav | ALIAS CZ s.r.o. | Czech republic | |
Beuzet | Emilie | EDF R&D | France | |
Birchley | Jonathan | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland | Analysis of PARAMETER Bundle Experiments using SCDAP/RELAP5 |
Blair | Paul | Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB | Sweden | |
Boldyrev | Andrey | IBRAE | Russia | |
Bottomley | David | ITU KARLRUHE | Germany | Investigations on resin radiolysis & degradation by irradiated fuel & debris |
Buck | Michael | IKE Universität Stuttgart | Germany | |
Chikhi | Nourdine | IRSN | FRANCE | Reflooding a damaged core at high temperature: calculation of QUENCH-03 test with ICARE-CATHARE V2 code |
Distler | Ingrid | AREVA NP GmbH | Germany | |
Ducousso | Erik | AREVA NP SAS | France | |
Duspiva | Jiri | Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc. | Czech Republic | Quench-12 Bundle Test Simulation with MELCOR Code |
Erdmann | Walter | Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) | Germany | |
Fedotov | Petr | VNIINM | Russian Federation | The Post-Quench Ductility of E110 Alloy ((Cancelled)) |
Fernandez Moguel | Leticia | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland | Analysis of QUENCH-L0 using SCDAP/RELAP and SCDAP/Sim |
Freis | Daniel | Westinghouse Electric Germany | Germany | |
Grohé | Willi | TÜV SÜD Energietechnik GmbH Baden-Württemberg | Germany | |
Grosse | Mirco | KIT | Germany | In-situ neutron radiography investigations of the hydrogen uptake and diffusion in zirconium alloys |
Hagen | Siegfried | Privat | Germany | |
Heck | Monika | KIT | Germany | |
Herb | Joachim | Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH | Germany | |
Hoffmann | Mathias | RUB-LEE | Germany | |
Hofmann | Peter | Privat | Germany | |
Hohorst | Judith | Innovative Systems Software ISS | United States | |
Hollands | Thorsten | GRS | Germany | Post-Test Calculations of Parameter SF-4 using ATHLET-CD |
Homann | Christoph | KIT | Germany | |
Ignatyev | Dmitry | NPO LUCH | Russian Federation | LOCA Bundle Tests at PARAMETER Facility. New Experimental Results. |
Kiselev | Arkady | IBRAE RAN | Russia | The main results and conclusions of the VVER fuel assemblies tests under severe accident conditions in the large-scale PARAMETER facility |
Konys | Jürgen | KIT | Germany | |
Kruse | Philipp | RUB | Germany | Simulation of the Fuel Rod Bundle Test QUENCH-11 Using the Integral Code ASTEC |
Laier | Jutta | KIT | Germany | |
Le Saux | Matthieu | CEA Saclay | France | |
Leineweber | Thilo | AREVA NP GmbH | Germany | |
Maliverney | Bernard | EDF R&D | France | |
Miassoedov | Alexei | KIT | Germany | |
Moch | Jürgen | KIT | Germany | |
Muscher | Heinrich | KIT | Germany | KIT modelling activities on hydrogen uptake/release of solid and molten Zr alloys |
Nagy | Imre | AEKI | Hungary | QUENCH test with slow oxidation in air |
Palagin | Alexander | KIT | Germany | |
Prestel | Stefen | KIT | Germany | |
Repetto | Georges | Institut de Radioprotection et de sureté Nucléaire | FRANCE | Status of the PRELUDE experiments |
Rössger | Conrad | KIT | Germany | |
Schmidt | Cornelia | EnBW Kernkraft GmbH | Germany | |
Schubert | Arndt | European Commission, JRC, Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) | Germany | |
Scott | Harold | USNRC | USA | |
Sepold | Leo | Formerly KIT | Germany | |
Spencer | Justin | McMaster University | Canada | Assessment of New Modelling in RELAP/SCDAPSIM Using Results from QUENCH-06 |
Spykman | Gerold | TÜV NORD EnSys Hannover GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | |
Stegmaier | Ulrike | KIT | Germany | M5 single effect tests on water and steam cooling |
Steinbock | Lothar | private | Germany | |
Steinbrück | Martin | KIT | Germany | 1) Status of the QUENCH Programme 2) New results on the mechanism of oxidation of Zr alloys in air |
Stuckert | Juri | KIT | Germany | 1) Bundle reflood tests QUENCH-14 and QUENCH-15 with advanced cladding materials: comparable overview; 2) Results of the commissioning bundle test QUENCH-L0 performed under LOCA conditions. |
Van Uffelen | Paul | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, ITU | Germany | |
Vasiliev | Alexander | IBRAE | Russia | Posttest Modelling of QUENCH-LOCA0 Test Using SOCRAT/V3 Code |
Veshchunov | Mikhail | IBRAE | Russian Federation | SFPR code models for basic physical phenomena related to LOCA |
Walter | Mario | KIT | Germany | |
Yudina | Tatiana | IBRAE RAN | Russia | Pre- and posttest calculations of PARAMETER-SF4 test |