Nr. | Family Name | First Name | Institution | Country | Presentation Title |
1 | Steinbrück | Martin | KIT | Germany | Overview of QUENCH program |
2 | Steinbock | Lothar | private | Deutschland | |
3 | Wensauer | Andreas | E.ON Kernkraft GmbH | Germany | |
4 | Sepold | Leo | Formerly KIT | Deutschland | |
5 | Sato | Ikken | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | An Experimental Program under Consideration focusing on BWR Core-Material-Relocation Beahvior using Non-Transfer Plasma Heating |
6 | GABRIELLI | FABRIZIO | KIT | Germany | |
7 | Algama | Don | USNRC | USA | |
8 | Grohé | Willi | TÜV SÜD Energietechnik GmbH Baden-Württemberg | Mannheim | |
9 | VEZZONI | BARBARA | KIT | germany | |
10 | Birchley | Jonathan | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | |
11 | Tang | Chongchong | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | High temperature steam oxidation of potential cladding materials-FeCrAl alloy and Ti2AlC MAX phase |
12 | Ehlkes | Lars | EnBW Kernkraft GmbH | Deutschland | |
13 | Hagen | Siegfried | Former FZK | Germany | |
14 | SARTOWSKA | Bożena | Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology | Poland | Modification of the surface layer of zirconium alloys using high intense pulsed plasma beams (HIPPB) |
16 | NEMOTO | Yoshiyuki | JAEA | JAPAN | JAEA studies on Spent Fuel Pool Severe Accident (1) Results of cladding air oxidation experiments |
17 | Stegmaier | Ulrike | KIT | Germany | |
18 | Pericas | Raimon | Innovative Systems Software | USA | “Development and validation of RELAP/SCDAPSIM modeling improvements to support Fukushima related decommissioning activities” |
19 | Sudo | Ayako | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | Reaction experiment on core-melt/concrete interface under temperature gradient |
20 | Škarohlíd | Jan | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech republic | High temperature oxidation of polycrystalline diamond and CrAlSiN coated zirconium alloy |
21 | Besenböck | Wolfgang | TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH | München | |
22 | Lovasz | Liviusz | GRS | Germany | |
23 | Bals | Christine | GRS Garching | Germany | |
24 | Nistor-Vlad | Roxana-Mihaela | Politehnica University of Bucharest | Romania | Development of improved RELAP/SCDAPSIM models and user guidelines for the analysis of late phases of a severe accidents in a CANDU reactor |
25 | Heck | Monika | KIT | GER | |
26 | Schäfer | Wolfgang | EnBW Kernkraft | Deutschland | |
27 | Nakajima | Kunihisa | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | Investigation of cesium chemisorption behavior on the stainless steel surface |
28 | Weber | Sebastian | GRS | Germany | |
29 | Hollands | Thorsten | GRS | Germany | |
30 | Grosse | Mirco | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | 1. Results of Neutron Imaging Investigations of QUENCH-LOCA Claddings 2. Proposal for a Mechanistical Model of the reaction of Zirconium in Air or Steam/Nitrogen Atmospheres |
31 | BEUZET | Emilie | EDF R&D | France | |
32 | Matocha | Vítězslav | UJV Rez, a.s. | Czech Republic | |
33 | jannot | emmanuel | AREVA GmbH | Germany | |
34 | Shibata | Hiroki | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | Degradation test using control blade applied for BWRs in Japan |
35 | Angelici Avincola | Valentina | KIT | Germany | |
36 | Boldt | Felix | GRS | Deutschland | |
37 | Stuckert | Juri | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | 1) First results of the bundle test QUENCH-LOCA-3 with optimized ZIRLO™ claddings; 2) Post-test investigations of the QUENCH-LOCA-4 bundle (hydrogenated M5® claddings). |
38 | Fargette | Andre | AREVA NP SAS | France | |
39 | Pshenichnikov | Anton | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Orientation relationships of δ-hydrides in zirconium and Zircaloy-4 |
40 | CABRERA SALCEDO | Andrea | EDF | France | |
41 | Schubert | Arndt | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) | Germany | The IAEA/FUMAC project and related developments of the TRANSURANUS code |
42 | Haurais | Florian | EDF - R&D | France | Porosimetry of Zr-based fuel claddings oxidized in nuclear severe accident conditions |
43 | sanchez | victor | KIT | Germany | |
44 | Park | Sanggil | Paul Scherrer Institut | Switzerland | Effect of nitriding and reoxidation of pre-oxidized Zry-4 |
45 | Király | Márton | Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research | Hungary | High-temperature steam oxidation kinetics of the new E110G cladding alloy |
46 | Gómez García-Toraño | Ignacio | KIT | Germany | Validation of ASTECV2.1.0 based on the QUENCH-08 experiment |
47 | Prehradná | Jana | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | |
48 | Robb | Kevin | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | FeCrAl Accident Tolerant Fuel Response during BWR Severe Accidents |
49 | Dryepondt | Sebastien | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | Severe Accident Test Station And FeCrAl Alloy Development |
50 | Ignatyev | Dmitry | NPO LUCH | Russia | Methodological aspects of E110 alloy hydrogenation, oxidation and mechanical tests for embrittlement threshold determination |
51 | Jaeckel | Bernd | Paul-Scherrer-Institut | Switzerland | |
53 | Nagatake | Taku | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | JAEA studies on Spent Fuel Pool Severe Accident (2) Thermal-hydraulic Research Plan for Evaluating Capability of Spray Cooling |
54 | Sung | Joonyoung | HGU | Republic of Korea | The effect of flow rate and partial pressure on the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in N2 and steam mixture |
55 | Maeng | Yunhwan | Handong Global University | Republic of Korea | The effect of flow rate and partial pressure on the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in air |
56 | Di Marcello | Valentino | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Severe accident analysis of a SB-LOCA scenario in a 72-type BWR Plant with ATHLET-CD |
57 | Muscher | Heinrich | KIT IAM | Germany | |
58 | Blair | Paul | Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB | Sweden | |
59 | Bratfisch | Christian | Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (RUB) | Germany | Modelling approach for atmosphere ingress into a damaged fuel rod – First Concept |
60 | Rößger | Conrado | KIT | Germany | |
61 | Gremme | Florian | Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (RUB) | Germany | Preliminary ASTEC V2.1 Validation of CORA-17 BWR Experiment |
62 | Madokoro | Hiroshi | KIT | Germany | |
63 | Mokrushin | Andrei | FSUE "SRI SIA "LUCH" | Russia | Structural parameters of ductile to brittle transition E110 alloy after pre-hydrogenation and hightemperature oxidation |
64 | Fedotov | Petr | VNIINM | Russia | Influence of cooling rate on embrittlement of E110 alloy under LOCA conditions |
65 | Ahmad | Sarfraz | Institut für Angewandte Materialien (IAM) | Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen | Potential of glasses as solders for joining of silicon carbide components via laser process |
66 | Tyrpekl | Vaclav | EC-JRC ITU | Germany | |
67 | Fischer | Manfred | AREVA GmbH | Germany |