List of participants
Family Name | First Name | Institution | Country | Presentation Title |
Abe | Alfredo | IPEN-CNEN | BRAZIL | |
Ahmad | Sarfraz | KIT | Germany | |
Algama | Don | US-NRC | USA | |
Allison | Chris | Innovative Systems Software | USA | Assessment of the German CORA and QUENCH Data Applicability for the Analysis of Severe Accident Transients for PHWRs with Fuel Channel Designs |
Avincola | Valentina | KIT | Germany | 1) Oxidation and Quench of Silicon Carbide Composites in High Temperature Corrosive Environments 2) High Temperature Steam Oxidation Performance of Coatings for Zircaloy |
Baláž | Jozef | VUJE a.s. Trnava | Slovakia | |
Bals | Christine | GRS Garching | Germany | |
Benesova | Barbora | CTU in Prague | Czech Republic | |
Beuzet | Emilie | EDF R&D | France | |
Birchley | Jonathan | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland | Improvements in oxidation modelling during the QUENCH era |
Blair | Paul | Westinghouse Electric Sweden | Sweden | |
Boldyrev | Andrey | IBRAE | Russia | |
Boneva | Stefka | Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy | Bulgaria | |
Bottomley | David | JRC-ITU, Karlsruhe | Germany | |
Boulore | Antoine | CEA | France | Modelling LOCA behaviour with the ALCYONE code : application to some IFA650 LOCA tests |
Brachet | Jean-Christophe | CEA | France | "On-going CEA studies on enhanced accident tolerant fuel claddings" Remark : presentation based on presentations already done at two recent international meetings |
Bratfisch | Christian | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany | |
Buck | Michael | Universität Stuttgart | Germany | |
Coindreau | Olivia | IRSN | France | Validation of ASTEC V2.1 on Q03, Q11 and Q17 experiments. |
Coppola | Roberto | ENEA-Casaccia | Italy | Small-angle neutron scattering studies of hydrogen microstructural effects in Zr alloys |
Denis | Alicia | CNEA (National Atomic Energy Commission) | Argentina | Inclusion of Accident Conditions Models in the DIONISIO 2.0 Code |
Di Marcello | Valentino | KIT | Germany | |
Dietrich | Philipp | KIT | Germany | |
Distler | Ingrid | AREVA GmbH | Germany | |
Ehlkes | Lars | EnBW Kernkraft GmbH | Germany | |
Fargette | Andre | AREVA | France | |
Fedotov | Petr | JSC VNIINM | Russia | |
Fernandez-Moguel | Leticia | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland | |
Fluhrer | Beatrix | KIT | Germany | SAFEST: towards a pan-European laboratory on corium experimental R&D |
Fujioka | Kazuharu | Nuclear Regulation Autholity | Japan | |
Gabrielli | Fabrizio | KIT | Germany | |
Gaus-Liu | Xiaoyang | KIT | Germany | |
Gómez García-Toraño | Ignacio | KIT | Germany | ASTEC validation on the QUENCH-08 experiment |
Gremme | Florian | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Validation of ASTEC V2.0 on QUENCH-11 | |
Grohé | Willi | TÜV SÜD Energietechnik GmbH BW | Germany | |
Grosse | Mirco | KIT | Germany | 1.: Neutron imaging investigations of the claddings used in the QUENCH-L2 and –L3 tests 2.: Hydrogen uptake of Zry-4 during annealing in steam/nitrogen atmospheres |
Gumenyuk | Dmytro | Energorisk, Ltd. | Ukraine | |
Hagen | Siegfried | Formerly KIT | Germany | |
Haste | Tim | IRSN | France | Results and conclusions from the QUENCH integral reflood experiments |
Haurais | Florian | EDF-R&D | France | Degradation mechanism of Zr-based fuel claddings in steam and air-steam atmospheres at high temperatures |
HE | Xiaojun | China Institute of Atomic Energy | People's Republic of China | |
Heck | Monika | KIT | Germany | |
Hering | Wolfgang | KIT | Germany | |
Herranz | Luis E. | CIEMAT | Spain | |
Hilali | Wael | Universität Stuttgart | Germany | |
Hofmann | Peter | Formerly KIT | Germany |
Knowledge on core degradation phenomena obtained by the CORA program (1986-1993) and resulting remaining uncertainties |
Hollands | Thorsten | GRS Garching | Germany | |
Homann | Christoph | KIT | Germany | |
Howell | Jutta | KIT | Germany | |
Ignatyev | Dmitry | NPO LUCH | Russia | Corrosion behavior and embrittlement of E110 alloy under LOCA conditions |
Ikonen | Timo | VTT | Finland | |
Ieremenko | Maksym | SSTC N&RS | Ukraine | |
Jäckel | Bernd | Paul-Scherrer-Institut | Switzerland | Application of PSI air oxidation model on spent fuel pools under severe accident conditions |
Jernkvist | Lars Olof | Quantum Technologies AB | Sweden | |
JI | Songtao | China Institute of Atomic Energy | People's Republic of China | |
Kättö | Joonas | VTT | Finland | |
Kaliatka | Tadas | Lithuanian Energy Institute | Lithuania | Best estimate approach for QUENCH-03 and QUENCH-06 Experiments |
Killeen | John | IAEA | Austria | |
Klouzal | Jan | UJV Rez a.s. | Czech Republic | |
Knebel | Kevin | Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) | Germany | |
Konys | Juergen | KIT | Germany | |
Kubačka | Ján | VUJE, a.s. | Slovakia | |
Kulacsy | Katalin | Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research (MTA EK) | Hungary | |
Laier | Jutta | KIT | Germany | |
Lecomte | Marylène | AREVA NP | France | |
Luzzi | Lelio | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Malesa | Janusz | National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) | Poland | |
Marino | Armando | Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica | Argentina | |
Mlčúch | Adam | VUJE a.s. Trnava | Slovakia | |
Moch | Jürgen | KIT | Germany | |
Mokrushin | Andrey | NPO LUCH | Russia | E110 alloy structure studies after hydrogenation and high temperature oxidation |
Muscher | Heinricht | KIT | Germany | Air ingress modeling using ASTEC |
Nemoto | Yoshiyuki | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | Project of the cladding air oxidation experiment in JAEA regarding severe accident in SFP |
Palfner | Frank | TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH | Germany | |
Park | Sanggil | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland | Overview of the air oxidation kinetic modeling |
Pastore | Giovanni | Idaho National Laboratory | USA | Modeling LOCA behavior with the BISON fuel performance code |
Pain | Christopher | Imperial College London | UK | |
Pavlidis | Dimitrios | Imperial College London | UK | Finite element modelling of debris bed water quenching |
Peng | Xu | Westinghouse | USA | |
Peters | Ursula | KIT | Germany | |
Pizzocri | Davide | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Pshenichnikov | Anton | KIT | Germany | Hydrides and fracture of pure zirconium and Zircaloy-4 hydrogenated at temperatures typical for loss-of-coolant accident conditions |
Roessger | Conrado | KIT | Germany | |
Sanchez | Victor | KIT | Germany | |
Schäfer | Wolfgang | EnBW Kernkraft GmbH | Germany | |
Schuck | Armin | TÜV SÜD Energietechnik GmbH BW | Germany | |
Schubert | Arndt | European Commission, Joint Research Centre,Insitute for Transuranium Elements | Germany | |
Sepold | Leo | Formerly KIT | Germany | |
Shestak | Valeriy | IBRAE RAS | Russia | |
Shestopalov | Aleksey | JSC VNIINM | Russia | |
Skarohlid | Jan | Czech Technical University | Czech Rep. | |
Skoda | Radek | Czech Technical University | Czech Rep. | |
Starosta | Wojciech | Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology | Poland | Application of the High Intensity Pulsed Plasma Beam for the modification of the zirconium alloy surface layer properties - preliminary results. |
Stefanova | Antoaneta | INRNE-BAS | Bulgaria | |
Stegmaier | Ulrike | KIT | Germany | |
Steinbock | Lothar | Sibex | Germany | |
Steinbrück | Martin | KIT | Germany | 1) Overview on QUENCH program 2) High-temperature oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in steam-nitrogen mixtures |
Stuckert | Juri | KIT | Germany | 1) Results of the high temperature bundle test QUENCH-L3HT with optimized ZIRLO™ claddings; 2) First results of the bundle test QUENCH-L4 with hydrogenated M5® claddings; 3) Kinetics of dissolution of oxide layer on cladding surface under oxygen starvation conditions. |
Tang | Chongchong | Institute for Applied Materials - Applied Materials Physics | Germany | |
Tas | Fatma Burcu | HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY | Turkey | Coupling of a steady state fuel behavior code with RELAP/SCDAPSIM thermal hydraulic analysis code |
Van Uffelen | Paul | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements | Germany | Simulation of LOCA tests carried out in Norway by means of the TRANSURANUS code |
Vasiliev | Alexander | IBRAE | Russia | Model of Zr-based claddings oxidation in oxygen-nitrogen and steam-nitrogen gas mixtures and its application to separate effects tests |
Vimi | András | MTA Centre for Energy Research | Hungary | New experiment on the CODEX facility |
Veshchunov | Mikhail | IBRAE | Russia | KIT-IBRAE collaboration in the frame of the QUENCH program |
Weber | Sebastian | GRS Garching | Germany | |
Wensauer | Andreas | E.ON Kernkraft GmbH | Germany | |
Williamson | Richard | Idaho National Laboratory | USA | |
Wiesenack | Wolfgang | IFE / OECD-HRP | Norway | |
Yamashita | Susumu | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | Numerical simulation of melting and solidification of core internals based on VOF technique |
Zhang | Jinzhao | Tractebel Engineering (GDF Suez) | Belgium | FRAPTRAN modelling and DAKOTA uncertainty analysis of selected Halden LOCA tests |