QUENCH Programme

List of participants 2007

Name Country Institution Presentation
Allison, Chris USA Innovative Systems Software Recent improvements in RELAP/SCDAPSIM
Austregesilo, Henrique Germany GRS
Bandini, Giacomino Italy ENEA
Belovsky, Ladislav Czech republic ALIAS CZ
Birchley, Jonathan Switzerland Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Pre-test Analytical Support for QUENCH-13
Boldyrev, Andrey Russia NSI of RAS (IBRAE) Analysis and Modelling of the Results of RIAR Quenching Tests with Irradiated VVER Fuel Rod Simulators
Bottomley, David Grmany ITU Karlsruhe Update on the Phébus FP project: Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) of the Lower Degraded Bundle of the FPT2 Test
Buck, Michael Germany IKE, Stuttgart University
Drath, Tilman Germany RUB-LEE
Duspiva, Jiri Czech Republic Nuclear Reserach Institute Rez plc. Impact of MELCOR Validation on Quench Tests to Code Development
Erdmann, Walter Germany GRS
Esmaili, Hossein USA U.S. NRC
Ezzidi, Alexandre France AREVA
Fichot, Florian France IRSN Reflooding of a severely damaged core: modelling and experimental needs
Frizen, Eugeniy Russia State Research Institute "Gidropress" Related thermal-mechanical processes in WWER core during LOCA
Grosse, Mirco Deutschland Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Tin Redistribution during Steam Oxidation of Zry-4; Analysis of hydrogen distribution in QUENCH-12 Corner Rods
Hagen, Siegfried Germany former FZK
Haste, Tim Switzerland PSI
Heck, Monika Germany FZK / IMF III
Hering, Wolfgang Germany FZK
Hofmann, Peter Germany Consultant
Hollands, Thorsten Germany RUB-LEE Preliminary Results of QUENCH-10 Calculations Using ATHLET-CD
Homann, Christoph Germany FZK/IRS
Humphries, Larry USA Sandia National Labs
Ignatiev, Dmitry Russia NPO "LUCH" Post-test examination of the SF2 fuel assembly.
Kiselev, Arkady Russia IBRAE RAS
Koch, Marco K. Germany RUB
Konys, Jürgen Germany Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
krause, Matt Canada AECL
Kuzmin, Ilya Russia RIAR Results of VVER-1000 Fuel Rod Simulator Tests under Core Reflood Conditions
Leshchenko, Anton Russia RIAR Results of the QUENCH-12 bundle post-test examinations
marchand, olivier France IRSN
Miassoedov, Alexei Germany FZK / IKET
Moch, Jürgen Germany FZK - IMF 3
Mueller, Klaus Germany AREVA NP GmbH
Nagy, Imre Hungary AEKI CODEX-CT2 Experiment
Nalivaev, Vladimir Russia NPO "LUCH"
Palagin, Alexander Germany FZK / IKET Application of the SVECHA/QUENCH code to the simulation of the QUENCH bundle tests Q-06 and Q-12
Parshin, Nikolay Russia NPO "LUCH" Pre- and post-test calculations with the PARAM-TG code for justification of a bundle tests under DBA and BDBA conditions at the PARAMETER facility
PILUSO, Pascal France CEA-Cadarache A New Furnace for Prototypic Fuel Pellet Experiments at 3000 K in the PLINIUS Platform
Plank, Hermann Germany AREVA NP GmbH
Sanchez, Victor Germany FZK/IRS
Schanz, Gerhard Germany FzK Post-test examination of the WWER bundle QUENCH-12
Semishkin, Valery Russia State Research Institute "Gidropress"
Sepold, Leo Germany FZK/IMF III The QUENCH-ACM Test Series
Shestak, Valeriy Russian Federation IBRAE
Stefanova, Antoaneta Bulgaria INRNE-BAS Results of the SARNET Benchmark on QUENCH-11
Stegmaier, Ulrike Germany FZK
Steinbock, Lothar Germany FZK / IMF I
Steinbrück, Martin Germany FZK-IMF I 1) QUENCH overview, 2) Oxidation of Zr alloys, 3) SIC CR single rod experiments
Steiner, Helmut Germany FZK / IMF III
Stuckert, Juri Germany FZK - IMF III First Results of the QUENCH-13 Bundle Experiment with a Silver-Indium-Cadmium Control Rod
Trambauer, Klaus Germany GRS
Vasiliev, Alexander Russia IBRAE QUENCH-12 versus QUENCH-06 Comparative Calculation Analysis Using SOCRAT 1.1 Code
Veshchunov, Mikhail Russian Federation IBRAE Main Results of the ISTC Project #2936 "Reactor Core Melting"
Willschütz, Hans-Georg Germany e.on Kernkraft
Windberg, Péter Hungary KFKI AEKI
Yudina, Tatiana Russia IBRAE RAS Computational assessement of the PARAMETER-SF tests